Advanced Date and Time Editing

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After receiving feedback from power users, we’ve extended the date and time editing options.

  • Manual date input

    Some editors need to provide many dates in their daily work. For these users, pointing and clicking again and again becomes tiresome after a while. With the new option to specify a date by typing it in, this is no longer an issue.

  • Easy selection of the year

    To select a year in the distant past or the far future, editors had to skip a huge number of months. Due to the possibility to enter dates manually, changing the year is now very easy.

  • Precision to the minute

    Setting a point in time to something other than the quarter of an hour was not possible out of the box. By manually entering hours and minutes, editors can now specify any time.

  • German calendar

    Editors using the German-language user interface can now pick dates from the familiar German calendar where the week starts on Monday.

Thank you for using Scrivito!
Please let us know what you would like to see improved.

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